Neelon Crawford
Neelon Crawford is an artist in several media living and working in Wyoming. His work in film, still photography, and on on canvas vary widely in their expression but broadly suggest a perspective and a body of subject-matter that draw his attention again and again. An attraction to the extremes of human experience have sent him to Antarctica, the depths of the South American rain forest, and to every other corner of the globe. His quarry has never been the “travel” photograph, but rather the contact point between the universal and the sublime. Ways of seeing fascinate him alongside ways of the spirit, leading him to sometimes take up camera to photograph vast interstellar telescopes, at other times taking up a tape recorder to capture the incantations of a faith-healer. His experimental films of the 1960-80s have been rediscovered and restored for exhibition in 2021 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York; photogravures of his 1989 trip to the South Pole are available, and he continues to process the observations of a life spent looking carefully in his studio in Wyoming.